CUET Syllabus 2023 Check CUCET UG/PG Exam Pattern

CUET Syllabus 2023 Check CUCET UG/PG Exam Pattern has been given below in this page. The National Testing Agency will be going to conduct CUET (Common University Entrance Test) for Admission in UG & PG Courses. Through CUET Score Card, Students can get admission into 45 State/ Private and Deemed Universities. Candidates can check CUCET Syllabus 2023 UG/PG Exam Pattern Subject Wise.

The last date to apply for National Testing Agency’s Common University Entrance Test (CUET) UG is March 30. For this, more than 12 lakh applicants have applied so far. Most applications have been made from Uttar Pradesh. After this the application has the number of Delhi and then Bihar. Last time there were 14.92 lakh applications in CUET UG. Education expert Kamal Singh Chauhan told that last year only 90 universities were involved in this. This time this number has reached 226. Some state and private universities are also associated with CUET this time. 3 Central Universities Culinary Institute, Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel and Indian Council of Agricultural Research have been removed from the category of Central Universities and put in other category.

CUET Syllabus 2023

The NTA has been released CUET Official Notification 2023 for online registration process for the Common Entrance Test for giving admission into various UG & PG courses in top universities across India. Applicants can apply CUET Online Application form 2023 through the direct link. All the Eligible students can apply Central University Common Entrance Test to get admission in UG Programs like as BA, B.Com and B.Sc for the upcoming session 2023-24. The CUCET Syllabus 2023 for Common Entrance Test is going to released today. All the applicants who will appear in the CUCET Exam must download the syllabus through the official site mentioned below. CUET Syllabus 2023 PDF

The CUET Online Registration process of CUET will be start from 9th Feb 2023 also. Eligible Applicants can apply CUET Online Form 2023 till 12th March. The National Testing Agency will conduct CUCET Exams in various exam centres. Moreover in order to download CUCET Exam Syllabus and Pattern, Students have to download official portal of NTA. Interested applicants can fill the application form before the closing date.

कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट यानी सीयूईटी -यूजी के लिए इस साल 13.99 लाख विधार्थियों ने आवेदन किया है। यह पिछले वर्ष के 9.9 लाख आवेदकों की तुलना में 41% अधिक है। करीब 14 लाख आवेदकों में 6.51 लाख छात्र और 7.48 लाख छात्राएं है। छात्राओं के आवेदन पिछले साल से 50% ज्यादा तो लड़कों के आवेदन 34% ज्यादा है। देशभर के केंद्रीय विश्विद्यालयों में अंडर ग्रेजुएट स्तर के दाखिले के लिए 2022 से संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा शुरू की गई थी। पिछले वर्ष इस परीक्षा का स्कोर 44 केंद्रीय विश्विद्यालयों के अलावा 46 राज्य स्तरीय, डीम्ड व निजी विश्विद्यालयों में दाखिले के लिए इस्तेमाल किया गया था। इस बार छात्रों के पास 242 विश्विद्यालयों में आवेदन का विकल्प है, जबकि पिछली साल 90 विश्विद्यालयों के लिए आवेदन किया जा सकता था।

Apply CUET Online Form 2023 Notification

NTA Common University Entrance Test 2023 Details Check

Department NameNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Test NameCommon University Entrance Test (CUET)
Courses OfferedUG/PG Courses
Academic Session2023-24
Courses NameBA, BSC, BCOM, MA, MSC, MCOM
Participated UniversitiesState/ Private and Deemed Universities
Exam Date21st may to 31st May 2023
Exam Languages13 Languages

Check CUET Exam Pattern 2023

Applicants can check Exam Pattern of CUET derived from CUCET. The final Exam Pattern released here.

  • सीयूईटी 13 भाषाओं में सीबीडी मोड पर होगी। पेपर एमसीक्यू बेस्ड होगा।
  • पेपर में कुल 3 सेक्शन होंगे।
  • सेक्शन ए व बी में लैंग्वेज टेस्ट होगा।
  • सेक्शन 2 सब्जेक्ट स्पेसिफिक होगा।
  • दोनों सेक्शन में कुल 50 में से 40 प्रश्न हल करने होंगे।
  • सेक्शन 1 व 2 की समय सीमा 45 मिनट होगी।
  • सेक्शन 3 जनरल होगा, जिसमें कुल 75 में से कोई 60 प्रश्न 60 मिनट में हल करने होंगे।
  • प्रश्नों का स्तर 12वीं बोर्ड एनसीईआरटी सिलेबस के अनुरूप होगा।
  • नोटिफिकेशन में मार्किंग स्कीम की जानकारी फिलहाल उपलब्ध नहीं है।
SectionSubjects/ TestsQuestions to be AttemptedQuestion TypeDuration
Section IA- LanguagesThere are 13* different
languages. Any of these languages may be chosen.
40 questions
to be attempted out of 50 in each
Language to be tested through Reading
Comprehension (based on different types of
Literary and Narrative,
[Literary Aptitude and
45 Minutes
for each
Section IB- LanguagesThere are 19** Languages. Any other language apart from those offered in
Section I A may be chosen.
Section II- DomainThere are 27*** Domains
specific subjects being
offered under this Section.
A candidate may choose a
maximum of Six (06)
Domains as desired by the
applicable University/
40 Questions
to be attempted out of 50
• Input text can be used for MCQ Based
• MCQs based on
syllabus only
45 Minutes
for each
Section III- General TestFor any such undergraduate
programme/ programmes
being offered by
Universities where a
General Test is being used
for admission.
60 Questions
to be
attempted out
of 75
• Input text can be used
for MCQ Based
• General Knowledge,
Current Affairs,
General Mental Ability,
Numerical Ability,
Quantitative Reasoning
(Simple application of
basic mathematical
concepts arithmetic/ algebra geometry/ mensuration/s tat taught till Grade 8),
Logical and Analytical
60 Minutes

CUET Postgraduate Programmes Syllabus 2023

The syllabus of CUCET 2023 for postgraduate courses is provided in the PDF format for all the 46 test papers. Candidates should know that the CUCET syllabus 2023 may differ for every postgraduate programme.

Check PG Syllabus 2023

MA GermanDownload Here
MA GujaratiDownload Here
M.Com.Download Here
MA ChineseDownload Here
MA EconomicsDownload Here
MA EnglishDownload Here
MA Social WorkDownload Here
MA HindiDownload Here
MA LinguisticsDownload Here
MA Political ScienceDownload Here
MA PsychologyDownload Here
MA PunjabiDownload Here
M. Sc. Applied GeologyDownload Here
MA SociologyDownload Here
MA TeluguDownload Here
MA UrduDownload Here
M. Sc. Industrial ChemistryDownload Here
M. Sc. BiochemistryDownload Here
M. Sc. BiotechnologyDownload Here
M. Sc. BotanyDownload Here
M. Sc. Organic ChemistryDownload Here
M. Sc. Environmental ScienceDownload Here
M. Sc. GeographyDownload Here
M. Sc. Geo-lnformaticsDownload Here
M. Sc. ZoologyDownload Here
M. Sc. Life ScienceDownload Here
M. Sc. MathematicsDownload Here
M. Sc. MicrobiologyDownload Here
M. Sc. Nano TechnologyDownload Here
M. Sc. PhysicsDownload Here
M. Sc. StatisticsDownload Here

Check CUCET Exam Syllabus PDF

Frequently Asked Questions- CUET Syllabus 2023 Exam Pattern

Que- In what mode will the CUET 2023 exam be conducted?

Ans- The CUCET exam 2023 will be held in online mode.

Que- What is the duration of CUCET 2023 exam?

Ans- The duration of CUET exam 2023 is 2 hours 30 minutes.

Que- How many questions will be asked in the CUET exam 2023?

Ans- A total of 175 questions will be asked in the entrance exam of CUET 2023.

Que- When will the exam date of CUCET 2023?

Ans- The CUCET UG exam 2023 will be held from from 21st May to 31st May.

Note:- If any candidates has query or suggestion regarding CUET Syllabus 2023 Check CUCET UG/PG Exam Pattern then they can comment us.

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